HRIC is currently recruiting interns for 2024!
What: Internship at Human Rights in China on rights advocacy in China
Where: 1. Physically in New York City; 2. Remotely within the United States
When: Summer 2024
Human Rights in China /中国人权 ( is a 501(c)3 non-governmental organization founded in the United States in March 1989 by overseas Chinese students and scientists. We actively engage in case and policy advocacy, media and press work, and capacity building.
The Human Rights Law Advocacy Program was established in cooperation with three Chinese NGOs. These three NGOs have been advocating for Chinese human rights law for 18 years and are committed to promoting the rule of law and the human rights of vulnerable groups in China, including marginalized women, LGBTQ+ people, people with disabilities, people affected by diseases (AIDS, hepatitis, COVID-19 etc.), and more.
Interns will participate in our work under the guidance of the three program directors. Tasks include translation, comparative research, internet-based investigations, online legal aid, interviewing Chinese human rights defenders on the ground, and drafting press releases.
Please send an email to with the following content:
We are accepting applications on a rolling basis. We recommend applying by mid-February.
中国人权/Human Rights In China(是由来自中国的学生和学者于1989 年3月在美国纽约创建的非政府、非营利组织,组织类型为501(C)。中国人权致力于个案与政策呼吁,媒体和新闻工作,以及能力建设。
1. 有机会接受我们的内部培训、学习人权工作方法和策略;
3. 将有机会运用中文。
1. 受薪实习生每周工作16小时,至少连续实习三个月,我机构为受薪实习生提供每小时16美元的津贴。
2. Work-study实习生和志愿实习生每周服务8-16小时,视情况报销线下实地办公餐饮及交通费用。
3. 我们鼓励实习生向学校申请实习奖学金,我们可以提供相关证明文件。
1. 对中国人权捍卫行动有浓厚兴趣。
2. 有流利的英语能力以及基础的中文口语和书面表达能力。
3. 大学在校生、应届毕业生。
4. 鼓励法学、公共政策、公共管理、政治学、社会学、社工专业学生前来申请,鼓励IT、传媒、统计学和创意设计专业学生前来申请。
5. 鼓励校园社团的组织者前来申请。
6. “反歧视“是我机构的原则,招聘过程将严格遵循。
1. 个人简历;
2. 有无美国工作许可及工作许可的种类;
3. 是否能从学校得到实习资助;
4. 至少一位推荐人的联络方式。